Web Development Course In Pakistan

Web Development Course In Pakistan

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Web Development

01-04 Months


PKR 30000 *




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Why You Should Choose a Web Development Course?

Research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that web development employment is expected to grow 8% from 2020 - 2030. What’s surprising here is that it is faster than the average of all occupations out there. Also, according to LinkedIn the Global Web Development market is currently valued at 56000 Million USD and this figure isn’t coming down. So, why not take a piece of this huge cake?

To make it more appealing to you, a web developer's salary in Pakistan as a beginner is at least 40K PKR. Entry-level web developers can earn up to 61,000 $ annually as a freelancer but if you have 3-5 years of experience in web development then you can earn 100,000 $ annually. 

Yes, you can learn Web development course in just a short period of time and start your career a few months from now. All you have to do is enroll yourself in the web development course. Wait, don’t worry if you already know the basics of Web development and want to learn advanced-level skills, Cosmic Institute has plans for this as well. 

Scope of Web Development Course

The scope of a Web Development course is vast and encompasses various industries in Pakistan due to the pervasive influence of the internet. As businesses strive to establish a robust online presence, the demand for skilled web developers has surged. Here are some industries profoundly impacted by web development:

  1. Business Growth: Web development plays a crucial role in promoting business growth by creating professional and user-friendly websites. This enhances brand visibility, customer engagement, and overall business performance.
  2. E-Commerce: E-commerce relies heavily on web development for creating secure and efficient online platforms. Web developers contribute to the design and functionality of e-commerce websites, facilitating online transactions and business operations.
  3. Online Retailing: Web development is pivotal in the realm of online retailing, ensuring seamless user experiences, secure payment gateways, and effective product showcases. A well-designed website can significantly impact the success of an online retail business.
  4. Education: The education sector benefits from web development through the creation of interactive and engaging educational websites. These platforms facilitate communication, resource sharing, and online learning experiences for students and educators.
  5. E-Learning: Web development is essential for the growth of e-learning platforms, enabling the creation of user-friendly interfaces, interactive content, and effective learning management systems.
  6. Media and Entertainment: The media and entertainment industry relies on web development for creating visually appealing and responsive websites. Web developers contribute to the design of platforms for content delivery, streaming services, and fan engagement.
  7. Non-Profit Organizations: Non-profit organizations utilize web development to enhance their online presence, share their mission, and connect with supporters. Well-designed websites can help in fundraising, volunteer recruitment, and spreading awareness.

As the demand for skilled web developers continues to rise across these industries, undertaking a Web Development course provides individuals with the knowledge and expertise to contribute effectively to the digital landscape. Whether it's creating user-friendly interfaces, implementing e-commerce solutions, or enhancing online educational experiences, web development skills are increasingly valuable in today's technologically driven world.

Key Benefits and Career Opportunities After Web Development Course

Once you become a master in web development, you will be able to work with the leading brands with a handsome salary. It's easy to make a bright career after this certification. There are a lot of benefits of web development but a few of them are mentioned below:

Diverse Job Roles

You can specialize in front-end development, back-end development, full-stack development, UI/UX design, mobile app development, or specialize in specific frameworks and technologies.

Continuous Learning

New technologies, frameworks, and tools emerge regularly, providing opportunities for continuous learning and professional growth. Staying updated with the latest trends ensures you remain competitive in the job market.

Freelancing and Entrepreneurship

Freelancing offers autonomy, diverse projects, and the ability to work remotely. Entrepreneurship allows you to build your own client base, offer specialized services, and grow your business.

Lucrative Salaries

Skilled web developers are highly valued in the job market, leading to competitive salaries and attractive compensation packages. As you gain experience and expertise, your earning potential increases.

Global Opportunities

Provides opportunities to work with global clients and collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds. This opens doors to international job prospects and the chance to work on exciting projects.

What You Will Learn In Full Stack Web Development Course? 

In our Full Stack Web Development Course, you will gain a comprehensive skill set that empowers you to create functional and dynamic websites. Here's what you will learn:

Programming Languages: Mastery of fundamental programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enabling you to build the basic structure, style, and interactivity of websites.

Frameworks: In-depth understanding and application of popular web development frameworks, such as React.js for front-end development and Node.js for server-side development. Frameworks enhance efficiency and code organization.

Tools to Build Functional Websites: Proficiency in utilizing essential tools and technologies to build fully functional websites. This includes hands-on experience with development environments, version control systems, and deployment platforms.

Web Development Components: Understanding how to code various components of a website, including layout, content, and interactive elements. You will learn to create responsive and user-friendly interfaces that contribute to a seamless user experience.

Non-Coding Technologies: For those not interested in traditional coding, we offer insights into the latest non-coding technologies. Platforms like WordPress, which don't require extensive coding experience, will be covered to provide you with versatile skills in website development. 

Want to Learn WordPress? Enroll Now in our Advanced WordPress Course and become a certified WordPress developer.

Throughout the course, you will engage in practical exercises, real-world projects, and collaborative learning environments to reinforce your understanding and application of these skills. Whether you aspire to be a proficient coder or leverage non-coding technologies, our Full Stack Web Development Course is designed to cater to a diverse range of learners, ensuring that you are well-equipped for success in the dynamic field of web development.

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Key Topics Covered in Full Stack Website Development Course

From Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) to modifying a database and from the configuration of APACHE and PHP to an overview of Angular Cosmic Institute Website development course outline has everything a web developer must know. But here are the key topics we will be covering in our courses; 

i. Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML)

HTML is the backbone of web development. It is a markup language used for structuring the content of web pages. In a web development course, you will learn:

  • The Syntax
  • Tags
  • Body
  • Elements of HTML

ii. JavaScript

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that adds interactivity and functionality to web pages. In our web development course, you will learn how to :

  • Create Dynamic Elements
  • Handle User Events
  • Manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model)
  • Perform client-side scripting

iii. CSS

This is the next important factor of web development. CSS is used to add value to the HTML texts. It is a styling language that works hand in hand with HTML to enhance the visual presentation of web pages. We will teach you how to use them to design impressive layouts of the website.

iv. Programming in the Core System

Everything that stays hidden behind the front end of a website is called Backend. It involves databases, frameworks, and designing everything smoothly. It also involves how an interface interacts with databases, and how data is edited. Our course will teach you the art behind the backend development.

v. Ideas for Upfront Coding

The area that is directly in front of a user’s visual is called the front end. For example, you are reading this guide, which is displayed on the front end. Our course will teach you how you can create such an attractive front end to enhance the user experience. 

vii. WordPress Website Design and Development

The course also includes instructions on using WordPress for website creation. This section of the course receives the highest number of requests. Why? Because WordPress makes it possible for anyone, even those without any coding experience, to create a fully functional website. WordPress is a website creation platform that replaces the complex aspects of coding with intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces.

Web Development Course Fees & Duration

At Cosmic Institute, we offer courses that teach you how to create websites and web applications. You can choose from three different levels of difficulty: 

Basic: This is for beginners who are just starting. You can complete this course in 1 month, depending on your schedule. The course fee for a basic web development course is 30,000.

Advanced: If you already have some web development knowledge and want to take your skills to the next level, this is for you. It takes 02 months to finish, and it costs 50,000 PKR.

Expert: For those who want to become web development experts, this is the most advanced level. It also takes 1-3 months to complete, and the fee for this level is 80,000 PKR.

We believe in giving you the flexibility to learn at your own pace, so you can choose the duration that suits you best. Join us at Cosmic Institute and invest in your future by mastering web development.

Build Your Career with Web Development Course In Pakistan | Enroll Now 

Versatility and Flexibility

With our web development course, you will acquire skills in both front-end and back-end development. You will become a developer capable of handling various aspects of website development projects. This versatility allows you to adapt to different projects and work in diverse teams.

End-to-End Development Skills

Our full-stack web development courses provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the entire process. You will learn:

  • How to design and develop user interfaces
  • Create interactive front-end experiences
  • Implement server-side logic
  • Handle databases
  • Deploy web applications

Build and Showcase Your Portfolio

Real-world portfolio projects will allow you to showcase all you have learned in your Full-stack website development course. By the end of the course, you will have a stunning, responsive website to add to your professional portfolio, one that is optimized for various devices and employs the most recent software engineering and web development best practices.

Moreover, you will also receive an industry-recognized certificate of completion that will help you stand out during interviews. We have a team of highly expert web developers who will leave no stone unturned while teaching you all the tools, techniques, and foundational theories of web development.

Better Collaboration

Understanding both front-end and back-end website development allows you to collaborate with different team members. Such as designers, front-end developers, and back-end developers. You can communicate more efficiently and contribute to all stages of the development process.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

These skills are highly valuable if you aspire to start your own web development business or work as a freelancer. With the ability to handle the entire development process, you can offer end-to-end solutions to clients and have greater control over your projects.

After completing this course, you will be awarded a certificate and you can work as a professional web developer in Pakistan.

Don't wait! Call Now or fill "Request A Call Back Form" to get registered.

Why Choose Cosmic Institute For Web Development Course?

A good institute, the right guidance, and a little hard work are enough to lead you toward great success. Cosmic Institute is Pakistan’s #1 Leading school of skills which is offering 150+ skill-based courses including Web Designing Course, Digital Marketing Course, and Graphic Designing Course. to help you kick-start your journey in the digital world. CIBT is not a novice they have been in this field for 7+ years and helped 10,000+ students achieve their goals in the digital world. 

And you can be the next one! 

You will be learning different programming languages, frameworks, and tools to build functional websites, backend, and frontend development courses, along with multiple other skills in their web development course. Cosmic Institute has different courses and you can join any of them depending on your skill level. 

Let's delve into the top four reasons why choosing Cosmic Institute could be your ticket to a successful career in web development.

Curriculum that Covers Everything

A school or university's curriculum is its lifeblood. The Cosmic Institute is pleased to provide a curriculum that has been kept current with the rapidly changing field of web development.

The curriculum at the institute is carefully crafted to provide students with the most up-to-date skills and knowledge required by the industry, from fundamentals like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to more advanced topics like responsive design, web frameworks, and server-side programming.

Skilled Faculty

Education is only as good as the knowledge and experience of its instructors. The instructors at Cosmic Institute are working professionals and seasoned web developers with extensive industry expertise.

You'll learn more and understand the complexities of web development projects thanks to this practical experience. You will be prepared for the challenges of the job market thanks to the faculty's dedication to developing your abilities.

Activity-Based Instruction

A ship without a rudder can't navigate the waters of theory. Students at Cosmic Institute are encouraged to put their theoretical knowledge to use in practical situations.

The institute's emphasis on hands-on experience helps students gain a thorough comprehension of web development fundamentals, whether they are creating interactive websites, creating web applications, or working on group projects. Graduates can stand out in the competitive job market thanks to the increased self-assurance and problem-solving abilities fostered by this method of education.

Job Placement and Networking Opportunities

Getting a satisfying job in the sector is the raison d'etre for enrolling in a web development school. Because of this ambition, Cosmic Institute provides extensive placement aid to its students.

The institute provides access to a wide range of career paths through partnerships with industry-leading tech firms, internships, job fairs, and networking events. The alumni of an educational institution can be an invaluable resource for current students because of the extensive network of contacts they have established in their chosen fields.

Course Outline

  •   Hyper Text Mark Up Language (HTML)
  •   Cascading Styling Sheet (CSS)
  •   SQL & MYSQL
  •   Responsive Website With Bootstrap
  •   Learn Advanced Javascript
  •   Advance Level Of PHP
  •   Domain And Hosting
  •   Dynamic Website
  •   Overview Of Angular
  •   Web pages( dynamic and static )
  •   Tool used in web development
  •   Client side and server side languages
  •   Database Creation
  •   Configuration of APACHE and PHP
  •   Dream Viewer
  •   PHP Basics
  •   Conditions and Branches
  •   Variables and Arrays
  •   MySQL command Interpreter
  •   Modifying a database
  •   Introduction to framework
Web Development

Learning Outcome

Create Top-Notch Websites

After the completion of the course, you will be capable to create top-notch and highly stable websites.

Become a Renowned Developer

We cover all technical aspects very deeply in order to make our students reputable and famous back-end web developers.

Earn by Leaps & Bounds

Web developers have huge market potential. You will surely earn by leaps and bounds after completing our course.

Lend a Job

You can also get a handsome-paying job apart from earning from local and international clients.

Certificate of Completion

The Cosmic Institute will also issue you a certificate of completion, which will be useful to you in your job search.

Understanding Technologies

Understanding the technologies and languages used in web development, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side programming languages like PHP.

Frequently Asked Questions

A web development course is a structured educational program that teaches individuals how to create and maintain websites. It covers various technologies and languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and often includes backend frameworks and databases, enabling students to build functional and interactive online platforms.

People who are detail-oriented, creative problem solvers, and have a strong interest in technology and design are best suited for careers in web development. Additionally, those with logical thinking skills, an aptitude for continuous learning, and the ability to work both independently and collaboratively tend to excel in this field.

Prerequisites for enrolling in a web development course typically include a basic understanding of computer operations, familiarity with using the internet, and some exposure to programming concepts. A fundamental knowledge of HTML and CSS can also be beneficial, though many beginner-level courses assume no prior experience and start from the basics.

No, prior coding experience is not always required for many beginner-level web development courses. These courses are designed to start from the basics and gradually introduce programming concepts, making them suitable for individuals with little to no coding background. However, having a basic understanding of computers and a willingness to learn can be advantageous.

The course will typically cover foundational web development languages such as HTML for structuring content, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for adding interactivity. Depending on the course level and specialization, it might also introduce backend languages like PHP, as well as frameworks like React or Angular for building more dynamic web applications.

Yes, our expert mentors provide guidance to grab a job in the field of web development. On the other hand, we also offer internship opportunities to our talented and skillful students.

We offer three best web development courses for our students. 1- Basic Web Development Course (For Beginners) 2- Advanced Web Development Course ( Having Prior Knowledge) 3- Expert Web Development Course ( For Professionals or anyone who want to excel).

Yes, upon completing basic and advanced courses, you will have the foundational skills to start building basic websites. You will be able to create static web pages, style them, and add interactivity using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, more complex and dynamic projects might require further learning and experience which you can get from Expert Web Development Course.

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a fundamental technology in web development that controls the visual presentation and layout of web pages. It used to define the design aspects of HTML elements, including colors, fonts, spacing, and positioning, allowing developers to create visually appealing and consistent user interfaces across different devices and browsers.

This course can equip you with essential skills to create and maintain websites, making you job-ready as a web developer. You will learn to build responsive and interactive interfaces, work with databases, and understand both frontend and backend development, enhancing your employability in a rapidly evolving tech industry.

Our Web development course fees cover course materials, instructor guidance, access to learning platforms, and certification.