What is NEBOSH Open Book Exam (OBE) | How to Qualify ?

Date: 2023-04-12 | Read Time: 10 Mins

What is NEBOSH Open Book Exam (OBE) | How to Qualify ?

NEBOSH open book examination (OBE) is a type of digital assessment format that allows candidates to complete their examination at their own location like home, office, or the safest place where they can concentrate. The candidate is allowed to refer to their textbooks and notes and other reference materials during the examination, that's why the term is known as "Open Book Exam (OBE)".

NEBOSH OBE is designed to test the candidate's ability to apply their knowledge and understanding of the subject matter to practical scenarios and case studies. The questions in the examination are designed to be more complex and challenging than those in the traditional closed-book examination format, requiring a higher level of critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation.

To prepare for a NEBOSH exam, candidates should ensure that they have a good understanding of the subject matter, have reviewed the relevant books and materials, and have practiced answering past papers and sample questions.

It is important to note that even though the examination is open book, time management and efficient use of resources is crucial in ensuring that all questions are answered within the allotted time frame.

During the examination, candidates are expected to follow the instructions provided by NEBOSH and stick to the ethical standards of academic integrity. Any form of plagiarism, collusion, or cheating is strictly prohibited and may result in Refer (Fail) in the examination.

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What is The Format of The Open Book Exam?

The format of the NEBOSH open book exam typically includes a combination of short and long questions. The examination may consist of 5 Tasks, each with a set of questions related to a particular scenario.

Candidates are usually provided with a case study or scenario, which they must use to answer the questions and demonstrate their ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to practical situations. To get a precise and clear idea about NEBOSH Open-Book Exam, you can download here the Sample Paper.

The exam is conducted online, and candidates are typically provided 24 hours to complete and submit their answers. During the examination, candidates are allowed to access their textbooks, course notes, and other relevant materials to assist them in answering the questions.

How to Prepare NEBOSH Open Book Exam?

To prepare for a NEBOSH Open-Book Exam, candidates may find the following resources helpful:

i. Course Notes

Candidates should review their course notes to combine their understanding of the topics covered in class. Course notes often contain key points, summaries, and revision questions.

ii. Past Examination Papers

Candidates can use past examination papers to familiarize themselves with the examination format, the types of questions asked, and the level of difficulty. NEBOSH provides past papers on its website for candidates to download and practice.

iii. Online Resources

There are various online resources available, such as NEBOSH revision guides, online tutorials, and study materials, which can be helpful in preparing for the examination. However, it is important to ensure that any online resources used are reliable and up-to-date.

iv. Revision Courses

NEBOSH IGC training providers offer revision courses designed to help candidates prepare for their open-book examinations. These courses provide structured revision sessions and guidance on examination techniques.

It is essential for candidates to thoroughly review and understand the materials provided to them and to practice applying their knowledge to practical scenarios through past papers and revision questions.

Candidates should also ensure that they have a good understanding of the NEBOSH assessment criteria to meet the expected standards and achieve a successful result in their open-book examination.

How to Avoid Plagiarism in Open Book Examination?

To avoid plagiarism in a NEBOSH open book examination, candidates should take the following steps:

1. Understand What Constitutes Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words or ideas without giving them proper credit. It can take many forms, including copying and pasting text from a source, paraphrasing without citing the source, or using ideas from a source without acknowledging them.

2. Use Proper Citation

If you use a direct quote or paraphrase from a source, you must cite the source properly using the appropriate referencing system. Make sure you understand the referencing system used in your course and follow it consistently.

3. Use your Own Words

When answering the questions, use your own words to express your ideas and understanding of the topic. Avoid copying and pasting text from sources or paraphrasing without changing the structure and wording significantly.

4. Use Multiple Sources

To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the scenario, use multiple sources rather than relying on a single source. This will help you to avoid over-reliance on a single source and ensure that your answers are well-researched.

5. Plan Your Time

During the exam, plan your time carefully to allow sufficient time for research and writing. This will prevent you from the desire of copy and pasting text from sources without proper citation.

6. Review Your Work

Before submitting your paper, review your work carefully to ensure that you have cited your sources properly and your answers are in your own words. Use a plagiarism detection tool/software to check your work if necessary. By following these steps, candidates can avoid plagiarism and demonstrate their own understanding and knowledge of the subject matter in the exam.

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Tips to Prepare For The Nebosh Open-Book Examination

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the NEBOSH open book examination:

i. Know the Exam Format

Before starting your preparation, make sure you understand the format and requirements of the open-book examination. Read through the NEBOSH guidance and familiarize yourself with the exam instructions, including the permitted materials and submission requirements.

ii. Create a Study Plan

Develop a study plan that outlines the topics you need to cover and sets realistic targets for your preparation. Allocate sufficient time for research, note-taking, and practice exercises. This will help you stay on track and ensure you cover all the necessary topics before the exam.

iii. Use Reliable Sources

Use reliable and reputable sources for your research, such as NEBOSH-validate textbooks, course notes, and reputable online resources. Avoid using unreliable or outdated sources that may not be relevant to the exam requirements.

iv. Practice Time Management

Time management is crucial during the open book examination, so practice managing your time effectively during your preparation. Plan how long you will spend on each question, and make sure you have enough time to review your work before submitting it.

v. Take Breaks

Take regular breaks when you attempt exams to avoid burnout and maintain your focus. Staying refreshed and energized will help you to concentrate better and retain information more effectively.

vi. Practice Past Papers

Practice past papers to get an idea of the types of questions you may face and to practice answering them under timed conditions. This will help you to familiarize yourself with the exam format and requirements and to identify areas where you may need to improve.

What Standards of Behavior Does NEBOSH Expect During an Open Book Examination?

NEBOSH expects candidates to adhere to high standards of behavior and academic integrity during the open-book examination. Candidates are expected to:

Use Only Permitted Materials: Candidates are allowed to use only the materials explicitly permitted by NEBOSH during the examination, such as textbooks and course notes. Using any other materials, including unauthorized online resources is prohibited.

Work Independently: Candidates must complete the examination independently and not seek assistance from others, including friends, colleagues, or tutors. Collaboration or collusion with others is strictly prohibited.

Avoid Plagiarism: Candidates must avoid plagiarism by using their own words and citing any sources used correctly. Any evidence of plagiarism may result in disqualification from the examination.

Follow the Instructions: Candidates must follow the instructions provided by NEBOSH, including any time limits, submission guidelines, and other requirements.

Respect the Ethical Standards: Candidates must uphold the ethical standards of academic integrity and honesty. Any form of cheating, misconduct, or unethical behavior is strictly prohibited and may result in disqualification from the examination and revocation of the qualification.


What is Open Book Exam in NEBOSH?

The Nebosh IGC Open Book Exam is a written examination in which a student who has registered for the exam is allowed to consult references such as the internet, notes, and textbooks to prepare answers to the questions. The Nebosh IGC open book exam requires analysis, rather than memorization.

What is the word limit for the NEBOSH exam?

The maximum limit of the NEBOSH exam is 3000 words. The word count may help you determine how detailed your responses should be. You have to write your answers as per the question asked in the scenario. 

What are The Passing Marks for Nebosh Open Book Exam?

The passing marks for the NEBOSH open book examination are 45 out of 100 marks. In other words, candidates must score at least 45% of the total marks available to pass the examination. But overall final grading is determined by the marks: 45-64= Pass, 65-74= Credit, and 75+= Distinction.

Is Open Book Exam Hard?

As a result, even with several reference books for their availability, open-book exams are generally more difficult than other forms of assessments. Students must fully prepare for open-book tests because they can be more difficult than other types of assessments.